Thursday, March 29, 2012

The Vampire Diaries Mid-Season Finale!

No new episode 'til January! WHY??
The Vampire Diaries Mid-Season Finale! photo 1
(I have seriously been waiting for the right opportunity to use that gif.)
Okay, no new episode 'til January, and I knew that they would do something BIG for their mid-season finale. And, boy, did they. Usually I can't predict what's going to happen on The Vampire Diaries, and this week, that still held true. BUT I did predict that they were going to do something big.
To be honest, I was really hoping they'd give us, like, a Damon and Elena kiss to go crazy over during the hiatus. (Crazy no matter what ship you ship.) But I was sadly disappointed. Not that their other moments weren't amazing. They had an ALMOST kiss (DARN YOU KATHERINE!) (Okay, Katherine, I'm kidding. I love you. But, really, you don't have to call Damon to say goodbye.) (Seriously, next time, just send him a text or something.) (A letter would be good.)
BUT STILL. Amazing episode. One might say, "Of course it was amazing it's The Vampire Diaries." And yes, that is true. EVERY episode is amazing. But, ooh, this one had some major stuff in it. All the planning together and stuff (even though a lot of people were left out of the plan) was remniscent of Masquerade in season 2 for me. 
So here goes. I'm not going to give a play by play of what happened, because, well, if you haven't watched it yet, what have you been doing these Anyway, I'm going to categorize. One of my favorite things to do. 
(Oh man, I was about to type, "Here we go." and then a song that we're singing in choir just popped into my head. I try to keep those ones out but they just snake their way back in!)
Most Surprising Moments:
  • Elena staking Rebekah. I did think it was a little weird for her to be putting on the necklace and putting her hand on Rebekah's shoulder, but I still was not expecting that! I actually felt really bad for Rebekah. She was about to go to her very first high school dance and try and have fun, and then she just gets staked! 

  • Katherine pretending to be Elena. I mean, she's disappeared for two whole episodes, and we don't know if she's dead or alive and then it's just like BAM! Katherine's back!The Vampire Diaries Mid-Season Finale! photo 2
    Nina Dobrev is so good. I mean, she's Katherine being Elena. And there's subtle differences. But we all thought Katherine was dead or gone. And you wouldn't notice those subtle differences until you rewatch it. You'd just chalk it up to Elena being nervous around Klaus and/or about the plan working out. At least, I did. 

  • Stefan tackling Damon and stopping him from killing Klaus. I mean, I wasn't expecting Klaus to die. His character is too awesome to die. (Yes, some may argue that other characters who have died that are very awesome. I agree. Some characters that have died are very awesome. But Klaus seems indisposable to me at this time. *knocks on wood* because now that I say they might just surprise me and actually kill him.) Anyway, I had no idea why he did that. I thought maybe he did that because Klaus compelled him to stop anyone from killing him, and, plus, it would get him his freedom. But I should have known. It makes perfect sense. He was doing it to save Damon. I'm thinking he didn't tell Damon because he knew that Damon wouldn't care. When Damon goes out to fight, and out to win, if it's not just for him, and especially if it's for Elena, he doesn't care about the consequences. Even the self-consequences. That's just who Damon is.

  • Mikael actually dying. I thought he was going to last longer than two episodes.

  • Stefan being in the car with Katherine. I was like, "What?? What did they plan/are planning together?"

  • Stefan stealing the whole dead original family. I knew that he was going to get mad and get revenge, but WHOA. I did not see him doing that. 

    Favorite Moments-
    • Caroline going to the back-up Homecoming party and saying, "How did he plan a better party than me?" I love it when that part of Caroline comes out. The party-planning, homecoming-queen part.

    • "Do you trust me?""Yes." Right there. She says yes without any hesitation whatsoever. She trusts Damon. Fact.

    • Rebekah/Elena friendship. Before Elena staked her, I was digging it. 

    • Humanity-off Stefan. Yeah, I know, every good thing must come to an end. (*Fun trivia fact. The series finale of Dawson's Creek is titled "Every Good Thing..." [that's part 1] "...Must Come To an End" [that's part 2] or something like that. I'm mentioning this because Kevin Williamson was the creator of Dawson's Creek AND the co-creator of The Vampire Diaries.) Anyway, I like the Stefan that's like, "And one of us is going to let our humanity get in the way." Even though he obviously doesn't mean himself. Which is kind of ironic, because he's the reason that Klaus isn't dead. And why is Klaus not dead? Because of Stefan's humanity.

    • When Klaus is looking for his sister at the wake. You can tell he cares about her.

    • Katherine coming back and being all "Kaboom." She is such a bamf. The Vampire Diaries Mid-Season Finale! photo 3
    • (Yes, using that gif again.)
    • Klaus crying. Seriously. Joseph Morgan is amazing. (His lips always look like he has lipstick on them, though.) He's got some major daddy issues.
    • Damon freaking out and Elena calming him down. "We're never getting Stefan back.""Then we'll let him go, okay?" She doesn't say he'll let him go. She doesn't say I'll let him go. She says they will. Together. AND THEN THEY ALMOST KISS. GOSH DARN KATHERINE. 
    • And, of course, Stefan getting revenge. "Are you prepared for this?" I'm so excited for the new episode!
        So, definitely a strong episode of TVD. 
        I am sad that Forwood is over for now. 
        And, when Katherine said, "Humanity is a vampire's greatest weakness." didn't anyone think she kinda looked like Aunt Jenna for a second there?
        The Vampire Diaries Mid-Season Finale! photo 4
        Does anyone else see it?
        Ah, well. Regardless of the few disappointments (i.e. Forwood, no Delena kiss), this was a superb tv episode. 
        During this long hiatus, I don't know. I think I'll finally finish a fanvideo I've been working on for, like, the last month. I really want to make a Damon and Elena one. Check out my other ones here. I may watch some of my TVD season 1 and 2 DVDs. Maybe rewatch some of the season 3 episodes.
        The Vampire Diaries really is a superb TV show.
        It really SUCKS you in. (Get it? Cuz vampires suck?) NAILED IT!
        The Vampire Diaries Mid-Season Finale! photo 5
        The Vampire Diaries Mid-Season Finale! photo 6
        The Vampire Diaries Mid-Season Finale! photo 7
        What was your most shocking/favorite moment in the mid-season finale? What are you going to do during the 2 month hiatus?

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