Thursday, March 29, 2012

"I'll go with you." -Harry Potter and the End

I'll go with you. -Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows photo 1
I'll go with you. -Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows photo 2
As I've said before, there are only a couple things that I would've changed about this movie. But it was basically perfect. 
This post isn't going to be a reflection on all the movies, I've already done one of those, but just this movie specifically.
There are a couple of key moments I want to go over. 
But first, I'm just going to say a couple of the great things about it.
  1. It's soundtrack. Oh my gosh, it's amazing.
  2. The cinematography. 
  3. The actors.
  4. The sets.
  5. Everything else.
And here's a few things I would change-
  1. Daniel Radcliffe's hair. They make enough money to spike it a little bit.
  2. I wish, when Harry got the Elder wand, that he would've fixed his Phoenix wand before he broke it. He did that in the books.
  3. I wish Harry and Voldy's fight would've gone down in the Great Hall. That would've been more dramatic in my opinion. But it was still epic.
  4. At the "Nineteen Years Later" thing in the book, everyone is staring at Harry and one of Harry's kids is like, "Why is everybody staring at us?" and Ron's like, "It's me. I'm famous." That would've been so funny to have in the movie.
  5. The camera angle for Ron and Hermione's kiss. I mean, it was still awesome, but all you could really saw was the back of Ron's head. (I did love how they laughed after it, though.)
  6. In the commercial, we saw Ron saying, "We can end this." but in the actual movie, the camera was on Harry when he said this. I wish they wouldn't have changed it.
So here's a key thing I want to go over-
A lot of people feel...what's the right word? Ripped off, maybe? Well, a lot of people feel, for lack of a better word, ripped off in the scene where Harry is headed down to the Forbidden Forest to his death. Hermione was all like, "I'll go with you." and hugged Harry (which was awesome), but Ron and Harry didn't say anything to each other. 'They're best friends! They should've said something or at least hugged each other!' But I disagree. I thinkbecause they're best friends they didn't need to say anything. I remember sitting in the movie theater at that scene and thinking that that was enough. Just that look. I felt that conveyed more that any amount of words would have or could have. They've both always known that it has to be Harry. Just Harry. Ron's known that since the first movie where he sacrifices his chess piece so that Harry can continue on. They've both always known. And they're best friends. They didn't need to reaffirm that they're going to miss each other or that they love each other. They know. They said all they needed to with that one look. 
So that was a main thing I wanted to cover because after I saw the movie a lot of people on tumblr were complaining about it.
The entire time I watch this movie, I feel the sad sense of finality. The music, the cinematography...I'm reminded throughout the whole movie: This is the end. And it still makes me a little sad. 
If you haven't read all the books and or seen all the movies, you need to.
I really, really, really love Harry Potter.
I'll go with you. -Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows photo 3
(Well, for now.)

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